Pub. Guidelines

International Journal of Engineering Research for Sustainable Development
 These instructions are for authors of Article for publication by Royal International Global LLC Publishers. They are important to follow as they help keep both the author’s and publisher’s work to a minimum and better quality and high standard articles are expected from all of you to get better visibility in the scientific arena.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference
Article must not exceed the plagiarism limit of 10% excluding references. (Turnitin or other Report)
Full Article must be between 5 to 15 Pages.
Article should consist of the following subsections.
The Article should be submitted only in word document format.
The Article should be in the following format:
The Book Article should be in the following format:
1) Title
2) Author/s name/s
3) Affiliation/s
4) Email (corresponding author)
5) Abstract
6) Keywords (Max. 4 keywords)
7) Introduction
8) Objectives
9) Data and Methodology
10) Result and Discussion
11) Conclusions
12) References
Materials and Methods,
Acknowledgement (if any),
Illustrations should be large and clear to be reproduced neatly.
 All Tables, Figures and illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1,2,3 etc) in the order they are referred in the text.
Because your work will be online and available for purchase by the Article, it needs to be consistent with our database requirements so it can stand alone and be fully searchable and accessible. Therefore, each Article must have the following details (which we call “metadata”) on the first page:
Definitive title (not a working title but a strong and descriptive one)
Definitive subtitle (if any)
Final sequence of names of authors with affiliations (department, university/company name, city, country)
E-mail address for the corresponding author
Full mailing address and phone number.
Full Address with Pin Code for correspondence
An abstract of a maximum of 200 words which encapsulates the work (must not contains figures)
Max 8 keywords/search terms that will aid users to find your work online
 Running head suggestion of no more than 45 characters (including spaces)


● Title of the manuscript;
● Title, Full names, affiliation and addresses of all authors including full postal address, and email addresses;
● Suggestions for a short running title of no more than 40 characters;
● Acknowledgements of financial or research assistance.

● Manuscript should contain abstract of up to 150 to 250 words in length. Please be sure that the abstract page does not contain any information that could identify the author(s). Please do not put reference citations in the abstract. Also, please take care to create a title and an abstract that are direct and ‘reader-friendly’.


▪ Authors should choose 6 to 10 keywords related to the research topic.
▪ The introduction should state clearly the objective of the paper as well as the motivation and context of the research. The literature review should be limited to the articles, books and other items that have a direct bearing on the topic being addressed. Theoretical papers may devote a full section to motivation and potential usefulness of the proposed theoretical framework. The empirical section should provide appropriate citations to the statistical methodology used and a complete explanation only if the methodology is new. Full details of the statistical analyses and results must be included in the paper itself. The conclusion should summarize key findings and state their importance to the field.
● Margins should be one inch (2.5cm) at the top, bottom, and sides of the page.
● Font type should be 11-point Times Roman throughout the document.
● Double-space all body text, including abstract, references, endnotes and appendices.
● Number all pages in your manuscript, starting with the Abstract Page.
● Use one space, not two spaces, between sentences.
● Manuscript text should be justified.
● Use three levels of headings. Main headings designate your major sections. Center main headings and use all capitals. Second-level headings should be flush with the left margin, and only the first letter of major words should be capitalized. Third-level headings should be indented and italicized; begin the first word with a capital, end the heading with a period, and then continue with your text. Do not use a fourth-level of headings.

●Please do not save and submit any equations in “images” format because we cannot edit them. If you cannot write them originally in Word, then use the tool which can be located at
 This tool is very easy to use and will solve all the problems. Displayed equations are double numbered by Article, in parentheses. Variables are italicized in the equations and in the text

● It is critically important to ask for permission to reuse figures from the copyright holder when you are writing the Article. Do not wait until you have submitted the manuscript to the editor or the publisher. If payment is required it is your responsibility to process that. Alternatively, you can seek a replacement figure. The permission citation should form part of the figure caption.

● At all times, figure resolution needs to be 600 dpi at the size it will be used. (Keep in mind that large figures will need to be downsized by our typesetter.) The exceptions are line art, which should be 800 dpi at the size it will be used, and grey scale charts and photos, which should be 400 dpi at the size they will be used. Figures downloaded from the Internet are generally not of good quality.

References should be written in the (API and Other international Standards as per Subject) following style:
● Authors should make certain that the reference for each citation in the text is complete, and that the cited dates and the spellings of the authors’ names in the text and references are in agreement. Include full page range for all journal references and book Article. Include both the volume and issue (number [if applicable], season, month, or date) for journal/periodical references.

Examples of Proper Form of References
Journal/periodical articles
Cosset, J., & Suret, J. 1995. Political risk and benefits of international portfolio diversification. Journal of International Business Studies, 26(2): 301-318.
Financial Times. 1996. Survey – Czech Republic: Message from the people. December 6: 3
Donahoe, J. D. 1989. The privatization decision. New York: Basic Books.
Harley, N. H. 1981. Radon risk models. In A. R. Knight & B. Harrad (Eds), Indoor air and human health, Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium, 29-31 October 1981, Knoxville, USA: 69-78. Amsterdam: Elsevier
Article in edited books
Caves, R. E., & Mehra, S. K. 1986. Entry of foreign multinationals into the US manufacturing industries. In M. E. Porter (Ed.), Competition and global industries: 449-481. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Salk, J. E. 1992. Shared management joint ventures: Their developmental patterns, challenges and possibilities. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Online documents
The Investment Company Institute. 2004. Worldwide mutual fund assets and flows, third quarter 2003. Accessed 4 February 2004.
Online journal articles / advance online publication articles
Hutzschenreuter, T., & Voll, J. C. 2007. Performance effects of “added cultural distance” in the path of international expansion: The case of German multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies, advance online publication August 30. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400312.
Web Citation
Slat, Boyan. “Whales Likely Impacted by Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” The Ocean Cleanup, 10 Apr. 2019,
W.AAnderson and G.N. Meckling, Polymeric bicyclo-(2,2,1)-2-heptene, US Patent 2721189, assigned to DuPont, 1955.